About the District
Promoting natural resource conservation in our community
Our Conservation District is a local unit of government and a political subdivision of the State of Michigan. The District's authorities, powers, and structure are contained in Michigan Conservation District Law. Genesee Conservation District comprises all of Genesee County and was formed on May 24, 1946. We aim to connect people with nature and inspire them to conserve and protect land, air, water, and wildlife today for future generations.
We coordinate technical, financial, and educational resources to meet the needs of residents, land managers, and farmers. The District collaborates with local municipalities, other governmental units, and NGOs in the delivery of voluntary, non-regulatory conservation practices. We have an historical relationship with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The NRCS develops and maintains current best management practices and standards, which the District utilizes in the implementation of our mission. In cooperation with community groups, local, state, and federal agencies, we promote stewardship of soil, water, and other natural resources on public and private lands.